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Assets: Stocks, ETFs, Budgeting, Saving

Minimum deposit        

Capital at risk.




Stocks, ETFs, Budgeting, Saving



Basic - Free

Pro - £2.99 per month

Ultra - £4.99 per month

Premium - £9.99 per month



Plum is the smart money app that can help you budget, save and invest, using automation. Plum's AI adapts to your income and spending so you can be prepared for whatever life throws your way.

T&Cs apply. Capital at risk.

To receive

  1. ‘Open account’ above, sign-up on the Plum platform, verify your identity and create your profile.

  2. Link your bank account and have an 'Active' account for a full 90 days post sign-up.

  3. An 'Active' account is defined as any customer account with funds (minimum £0.01).



T&Cs apply. Capital at risk. Pluto may receive a commission from this provider at no cost to you.


average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 0 votes, Pluto reviews

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